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National Certification Board for Anticoagulation Providers gets a Home on the Web
Marie B. Walker
September, 2005
The National Certification Board for Anticoagulation Providers (NCBAP) administers the Certified Anticoagulation Care Provider (CACP) exam. Typically, at least 2 exams dates are offered each year. For upcoming exam dates and more information on the NCBAP or the CACP exam, please visit the NCBAP website at http://www.ncbap.org. You may also download a candidate handbook and application packet from the NCBAP's website.
Mission Statement of the National Certification Board for Anticoagulation Providers
In order to optimize the care of patients receiving anticoagulant therapy, the mission is to develop, maintain and protect the Certified Anticoagulation Care Provider credential and the certification process.
National Anticoagulation Certification
The national certification process:
was developed by a multi-disciplinary board to provide health care professionals a credentialing process.
evaluates the provider's knowledge and skill to manage anticoagulation therapy.
requires evidence of experience and a passing score on a comprehensive examination.
can be one means to improve patient care in anticoagulant therapy by providing a framework to validate achievement of advanced knowledge and skills related to antithrombotic therapy.
affords opportunity for professional recognition - only multidisciplinary credentialing opportunity.
is an incentive for career development, personal satisfaction.
introduces a mechanism to implement a consistent standard of care nationwide.
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