ClotCare: Blood Clots, Stroke, Heart Attack
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ClotCare is a member of the Coalition to Prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT Coalition)  ClotCare is a member organization of the Coalition to Prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis. Click here to learn more about the Coalition to Prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis and DVT Awareness Month, which is held each March.

Postings on DVT Prophylaxis

Postings for Patients & Caregivers Date Posted
How Should We Prevent Blood Clots Following Arthroscopic Knee Surgery? Cynthia’s Story and a Limited Discussion of the Literature November 2017
World Thrombosis Day - Oct. 13, 2017 October 2017
Research Company Seeks Patients who Have Had a Leg Blood Clot (deep vein thrombosis or DVT) June 2017
Calf Flexors For Long Periods of Sitting July 2015
The American Society of Hematology Is Looking for DVT Patients July 2015
New International Survey Reveals Lack of Awareness of Venous Thrombosis and Preventive Measures June 2015
A Fib and DVT Patient Information Resources from the Alliance for Aging Research February 2015
Testosterone Supplements and Blood Clots; an Invitation to Participate in a Research Project December 2014
Help Gather Information on Venous Thrombosis in Athletes? December 2014
DVT Blood Clots Awareness Video March 2013
Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism Brochure from Clot Connect January 2013
May-Thurner Syndrome (MTS) Overview (Iliac Vein Compression Syndrome) July 2012
DVT & PE: What Patients Need to Know - A Video Series on Blood Clots from July 2012
FDA Approves rivaroxaban (Xarelto) for DVT/PE prevention with knee and hi December 2011
Researchers Looking for Genes that may Increase Blood Clot Risk December 2010
SCDs Prevent DVT: Fun & Informative Video November 2010
VTE & IBD: Study Quantifies Risk of Venous Thromboembolism During Flares March 2010
Video - Deadly Blood Clots: The Dangers of Venous Thromboembolism August 2009
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) & Pulmonary Embolism (PE) Video August 2009
Blood Clots - DVT & PE Facts Slide Show July 2009
DVT & PE Never Events: Potential Problems Created by Medicare Decision to April 2009
Your Guide to Preventing and Treating Blood Clots November 2008
DVT & PE due to hip/knee surgery: Medicare to deny reimbursement in inter September 2008
Cassie Sheffield & Noah Caiden Brown: A baby taken from his mother by blo June 2008
What is the association between lipoprotein a [Lp(a)] and venous thrombos July 2007
Blood Clots & Travel: World Health Organization (WHO) Report on Travel an July 2007
Diet & Deep Vein Thrombosis - More fish, fruits, & veggies = lower DVT ri June 2007
Should 3rd Generation Birth Control Pills be Banned? - Petition to Ban 3r March 2007
Should 3rd Generation Birth Control Pills be Banned? - Opposition to a Pe March 2007
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) & Pulmonary Embolism (PE) Chat Transcript March 2007
Clotting Disorders Presentation by Stephan Moll, MD February 2007
New National Performance Measures Issue Mandate to Reduce Incidence of De February 2007
DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) Awareness Month: DVT Awareness by Design February 2007
The Pulmonary Embolism Support Group - Support for Individuals with DVT o January 2007
Where can I find a support group or meet others who have had a DVT, PE, o January 2007
What is the d-Dimer test? August 2006
New Guidelines to Reduce DVT Risk in Cancer Patients April 2006
DVT Awareness Month Reviewed April 2006
David Bloom's DVT Story: An Interview with Melanie Bloom March 2006
Cedric Bills' DVT Story March 2006
AstraZeneca Decides to Withdraw Exanta February 2006
I am taking warfarin (brand name Coumadin) for a blood clot in my leg (DV February 2006
What are graduated compression stockings, where do I get them, and how do February 2006
Where can I find an anticoagulation expert near my home or office? October 2005
Will the blood clot in my leg go away now that I am on medication for it? October 2005
About DVT Awareness Month March 2005
FDA Rejects Ximelagatran (brand name Exanta) October 2004

Postings for Healthcare Providers Date Posted
How Should We Prevent Blood Clots Following Arthroscopic Knee Surgery? Cynthia’s Story and a Limited Discussion of the Literature November 2017
World Thrombosis Day - Oct. 13, 2017 October 2017
Research Company Seeks Patients who Have Had a Leg Blood Clot (deep vein thrombosis or DVT) June 2017
Calf Flexors For Long Periods of Sitting July 2015
The American Society of Hematology Is Looking for DVT Patients July 2015
New International Survey Reveals Lack of Awareness of Venous Thrombosis and Preventive Measures June 2015
A Fib and DVT Patient Information Resources from the Alliance for Aging Research February 2015
Testosterone Supplements and Blood Clots; an Invitation to Participate in a Research Project December 2014
Help Gather Information on Venous Thrombosis in Athletes? December 2014
DVT Blood Clots Awareness Video March 2013
Rivaroxaban (and similar agents) for extended prophylaxis of venous thrombosis in high risk medical patients – equal efficacy but increased bleeding March 2013
Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism Brochure from Clot Connect January 2013
Aspirin, Apixaban, or Warfarin for Extended Treatment of Venous Thrombosis? January 2013
May-Thurner Syndrome (MTS) Overview (Iliac Vein Compression Syndrome) July 2012
New Chest Guidelines Available Now February 2012
Apixaban in VTE prevention in knee surgery compared to enoxaparin – Confl December 2011
FDA Approves rivaroxaban (Xarelto) for DVT/PE prevention with knee and hi December 2011
Rivaroxaban vs a Vitamin K antagonist (EINSTEIN-DVT trial) July 2011
Researchers Looking for Genes that may Increase Blood Clot Risk December 2010
SCDs Prevent DVT: Fun & Informative Video November 2010
Factor V Leiden and/or Prothrombin G20210A mutation: Impact on initial & June 2010
VTE & IBD: Study Quantifies Risk of Venous Thromboembolism During Flares March 2010
Subcutaneous Direct Thrombin Inhibitor (Desirudin) Approved for Preventio March 2010
Video - Deadly Blood Clots: The Dangers of Venous Thromboembolism August 2009
Expert Presentations on Atherothrombosis and Plaque Rupture, Pulmonary Em August 2009
Blood Clots - DVT & PE Facts Slide Show July 2009
Statins (a commonly used type of cholesterol lowering medication) reduce June 2009
Does Warfarin Prevent Catheter-related Thrombosis in Cancer Patients? Yes June 2009
DVT & PE Never Events: Potential Problems Created by Medicare Decision to April 2009
Preventing Hospital-Acquired Venous Thromboembolism - AHRQ Guide November 2008
LMWH Better than GCS for Preventing VTE in Knee Arthroscopy September 2008
DVT & PE due to hip/knee surgery: Medicare to deny reimbursement in inter September 2008
Pulmonary Embolism – a thorough update by a top expert in the field March 2008
Upper Extremity Deep Vein Thrombosis: More Questions than Answers January 2008
Could thromboembolism be considered an extra intestinal manifestation of January 2008
Do Pediatric Trauma (and Non-cardiac Surgery) Patients Need Venous Thromb January 2008
Data find 12 million hospitalized patients at risk of venous thrombosis ( January 2008
What is the association between lipoprotein a [Lp(a)] and venous thrombos July 2007
Blood Clots & Travel: World Health Organization (WHO) Report on Travel an July 2007
Diet & Deep Vein Thrombosis - More fish, fruits, & veggies = lower DVT ri June 2007
Should we shorten treatment of DVT and PE to 3 months? Not yet. April 2007
Should 3rd Generation Birth Control Pills be Banned? - Petition to Ban 3r March 2007
Should 3rd Generation Birth Control Pills be Banned? - Opposition to a Pe March 2007
New National Performance Measures Issue Mandate to Reduce Incidence of De February 2007
DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) Awareness Month: DVT Awareness by Design February 2007
The Pulmonary Embolism Support Group - Support for Individuals with DVT o January 2007
d-Dimer Found Useful in Decision to Continue Anticoagulation Following Fi December 2006
Weight-based, fixed-dose, unmonitored subcutaneous UFH administered twice August 2006
Update on Treatment and Prevention of Pulmonary Embolism August 2006
Review on Chronic Venous Disease and Post-thrombotic Syndrome August 2006
Homocysteine Lowering Therapy in Vascular Disease - No Reduction in Recur May 2006
Air travel activates clotting more than immobilization alone, especially April 2006
New Guidelines to Reduce DVT Risk in Cancer Patients April 2006
DVT Awareness Month Reviewed April 2006
AstraZeneca Decides to Withdraw Exanta February 2006
Poor Early Anticoagulation Control Associated with Near 3-fold Increase i January 2006
New Data Fuels Continued Controversy About Anti-Phospholipid Antibody (AP November 2005
Where can I find an anticoagulation expert near my home or office? October 2005
Anticoagulation Training Programs September 2005
About DVT Awareness Month March 2005
FDA Rejects Ximelagatran (brand name Exanta) October 2004
Pulmonary Embolism Following Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery October 2004
DVTs Eliminated in Total Hip or Knee Replacement Surgery? October 2004
New Information to Identify Those at Risk for Upper Extremity DVT September 2004
Study and Editorial Address Three-Fold Greater Recurrence of DVT in Men September 2004
Exanta not Recommended by FDA Advisory Panel, Causes M.I.s? September 2004
Emerging data in VTE Prevention for the Acutely Ill Medical Patients September 2004
New Supplement Devoted to Factor Xa Inhibitors (fondaparinux) August 2004
New Data on Treatment Duration for Provoked DVT April 2004
Larger doses of LMWH needed for DVT Prevention in Surgery for Obesity (Ba March 2004
Failure to use prophylaxis found in more than half of hospitalized patien February 2004

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Tuesday, October 22, 2024